
10 steps parents can use in the improvement of kid’s mental health in today’s competitive exam

Oct 07, 2023 ● Chirag Saxena

In today’s fast-paced world, competitive exams have become a significant part of a student’s life. While these exams open doors to opportunities, they also bring stress and pressure, impacting kids’ mental health. As parents, it’s crucial to provide support and guidance to help your children navigate this challenging journey while maintaining their mental well-being.

The good news is that you don’t need to be an expert to assist your kids in managing their mental health during competitive exams. Simple and effective strategies can go a long way in ensuring their emotional and psychological well-being. In this article, we’ll explore ways parents can play a pivotal role in improving their kids’ mental health during competitive exams. These strategies can make a significant difference in your child’s success and happiness throughout this demanding period.

  • Open Communication

    Effective communication is the cornerstone of supporting your child’s mental health. Create a safe and open environment where your child feels comfortable discussing their concerns, fears, and doubts. Ask open-ended questions and actively listen to their responses. This not only helps them release stress but also strengthens your bond, making them more likely to seek your guidance when needed.

  • Set Realistic Expectations

    While every parent wants their child to excel, it’s essential to set realistic expectations. Understand that your child has unique abilities and limitations. Encourage them to do their best without putting undue pressure on achieving perfection. Emphasize the importance of learning from mistakes and failures, as these experiences can be valuable lessons in personal growth.

  • Balanced Lifestyle

    Make sure your child has a good balance in their life. This means they should do regular exercise, eat healthy food, and get enough sleep. Doing exercises like running or playing outside can make them feel less stressed and happier. Eating good food with lots of fruits and vegetables helps their brains work well and keeps their emotions steady. And when they sleep enough at night, it helps their brain and feelings too. So, helping your child stay active, eat well, and get proper sleep can make a big difference in how they feel and do in their exams.

  • Time Management

    Show your child how to use their time wisely. Help them make a plan for studying that includes breaks for relaxing and doing fun things. This helps them get more done and keeps them from getting too tired or stressed. When they manage their time well, they can be more productive and not feel overwhelmed. It’s like having a balanced schedule that makes them feel good. So, teach your child how to plan their time, and they’ll be able to study better without feeling too tired or stressed out. It’s a smart way to do well in their exams and stay happy.

  • Encourage Hobbies and Interests

    You must help your child do the things they enjoy besides schoolwork. When they do things they love, it gives them a break from all the stress from exams. It also helps them be more creative and feel relaxed. It could be anything they really like, like painting, playing sports, making music, or anything else. Tell them it’s okay to spend time on these things they’re passionate about. It’ll make them feel happy and refreshed, which is good for their well-being. So, support and cheer them on when they’re doing what they love. It’s a great way to balance out the pressure of exams.

  • Stay Positive

    You should stay positive and be a big supporter of your child. Tell them about the good things they’ve done before and make them feel confident. Being positive and hopeful can make a big difference in how they feel. It helps them be strong and keep going, even when things are tough. So, when they have hard times with exams, remind them that they can do it and that you believe in them. Your positivity and encouragement will help them feel better and stronger to handle challenges. Being their cheerleader is a great way to help them be brave and face anything that comes their way.

  • Seek Professional Help

    If you see that your child is really, really stressed or worried all the time and it’s making it hard for them to do normal stuff, like eat or sleep, it’s important to get some extra help. You can talk to a counselor or therapist who knows how to help with these things. They have special ways to help kids who are feeling this way. They’ll teach your child ways to handle stress and worries. It’s like having a coach to help them feel better. So, if you notice your child is really struggling, don’t hesitate to talk to someone who can give them the right support.

  • Limit Screen Time

    Spending too much time on screens like phones, computers, or tablets can make your child feel more stressed and worried. It’s important to take breaks from screens when they’re studying. Instead, try to talk to people face-to-face. This helps your child concentrate better, so they won’t get distracted easily. Plus, it helps them sleep better at night. So, remind your child to take short breaks from screens, chat with real people, and limit screen time. It’ll help them focus, stay less stressed, and sleep well, which is super important for doing well in their exams.

  • Practice Relaxation Techniques

    Teach your child relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga. These techniques can help manage exam-related stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of calm and mental clarity.

  • Celebrate Achievements

    Celebrate your child’s accomplishments, no matter how small or big these are. Recognizing their efforts and achievements boosts their self-esteem and motivates them to keep working hard. Celebrate both academic and non-academic successes to remind them that they are more than their exam results.


As parents, our role in supporting our children’s mental health during competitive exams is indispensable. Teaching relaxation techniques and celebrating achievements will help them navigate the competitive exam journey with resilience and confidence. By implementing these straightforward strategies, we can ensure our children not only excel academically but also maintain their mental well-being in today’s competitive world.